Art Exhibits: "Storytelling"

May 23, 2024

The exhibit "Storytelling," a collaborative exhibit by Indigenous artists featuring works in traditional mediums is coming to our library. There are guides available in the library so you can learn more about the individual artists and works.

Every guide comes with an educational section, great for teachers and home-school families.


The exhibition Storytelling shares the voices and traditions of four Indigenous artists, Haley Bassett, Adrienne Greyeyes, Laurie McCallum, and Christina Wallwork. The artworks in this exhibition uses traditional materials and mediums such as beading, finger weaving, sewing, painting, print making, moosehide and plants harvested from the land. The relationships with the land, nature, plants, and animals influences their art. Some of the artists use their art to form connections with their past that has been severed. Some create to honour those whose lives were taken too soon. They use their art as a form of expression to reclaim their culture and share it so that the world knows that the Indigenous people are still here.

The artworks in this exhibition have a story behind them. Indigenous storytelling uses oral tradition, dance, music, and art to express the history of our people. These stories have been passed down through the generations not only as an oral history, but to share where to find certain places to harvest and hunt, along with vital information for survival. Stories often go hand in hand with survival including sharing knowledge on which waterways to take, or which plants to grow and eat. Stories were told for everybody (young and old) and were a mixture of supernatural and everyday life. Storytelling could vary between households. They were told around the fire at night or the kitchen table. Sitting together telling stories created lots of laughing and singing and shared what previous generations told.
